Africa Institute for Media, Migration and Development (AIMMAD)

How did the slave markets in Libya influence the perspectives of youths trying to migrate to Europe?

Quantitative Research in

  • Cameroon
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Senegal

Language:English, French and German

Summary (English): Dr. Michael Yao W. Serwornoo, Summary (French): Prof. Dr. Etienne Fopa Simo

Der Forschungsbericht wurde im Rahmen des Projekts „Media and Migration“ durchgeführt.

Die Forschung wurde in 6 verschiedenen afrikanischen (Ghana, Nigeria, Kamerun, Senegal, Niger und Guinea) durchgeführt. Das Projekt wurde von Auswärtiges Amt finanziert.

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Publication Summary AIMMAD

The Image of Africa in Ghana’s Press: The influences of global news organisations

(Free online @ DOI: 10.11647/OBP.0227)

Many agents of society raise issues with the practice of journalism today. Many of these concerns remain weaknesses of journalism as a practice of representation. The day’s news in our living room captures but a figment of the struggles and triumphs of the people.

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